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Xanthinol nicotinate

Xanthinol Nicotinate, a compound related to vitamin B3 (niacin), helps your body use the carbohydrates you eat as mental fuel and supports energy storage in the mind!* By promoting optimal blood flow to the brain, Xanthinol Nicotinate supports the mental energy you need to get through a demanding day at work, school, or both.* Because the effects tend to be mild, students who want to get the most out of their studies use Xanthinol Nicotinate in conjunction with other active ingredients such as Ginkgo Biloba, Huperzine-A and Vinpocetine to boost memory performance (especially short-term memory), concentration and alertness. However, Xanthinol Nicotinate is not only used for school and study. It is often used to combat the lack of brain energy that affects attention and energy levels during dieting.* Xanthinol Nicotinate could provide an added benefit to those who want to lose a few pounds (or study rather than sleep).

Recent research suggests that Xanthinol Nicotinate:

  • May support healthy glucose metabolism.
  • Support mental energy.
  • Promote concentration and alertness.
  • Support short-term memory.

How much should you take? Are there any side effects?

Dosages range from 300 to 600 mg per day, divided into three single doses taken with meals. Like niacin, xanthinol nicotinate can cause redness of the skin, a tingling sensation on the skin and a feeling of warmth. This reaction is normal and typically subsides after 5 to 10 minutes. This effect will diminish over time as the body adapts to continuous use.