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Vitamin B15

The secret vitamin of internal respiration - vitamin B15 (pangamic acid) is a water-soluble vitamin. It is still controversial whether B15 is essential for nutrition and whether it really is a vitamin. It has a similar antioxidant effect to vitamin E. The effect is often increased when it is taken with vitamins A and E. B15 was more of a kind of by-product along the way, picked up in the search for alternative cancer remedies. The substance (dimethylglycyl/DMC) was first isolated from apricot kernels. Dr. Krebs called it pangamic acid or vitamin B15 and focused on the oxygen supply to the cells and the detoxification of the body from waste products.

In 1965, the first results were published by the "Soviet Academy of Sciences" in a symposium volume. This made quite an impression on those responsible.

The test results from the Soviet Union

  • extends the life of the cell
  • limits the addiction to alcohol
  • accelerates recovery after states of exhaustion
  • ensures a low cholesterol level in the blood
  • protects against harmful substances
  • provides relief from angina pectoris and asthma
  • protects against liver cirrhosis
  • combats hangovers after drinking too much
  • stimulates the immune system - helps with protein synthesis

The new "miracle cure" is mainly used in high doses in preparation for the Olympic Games and other major events. In fact, the intended effects are among the skin effects of the (pseudo) vitamin: pangamic acid undoubtedly gives you more strength and stamina. However, the Soviet researchers were particularly fascinated by the fact that B15 is apparently able to delay the ageing process.


The main sources of pangamic acid are brewer's yeast, rice bran, (sweet) apricot kernels, peas, unpolished rice, whole grains, pumpkin seeds and sesame seeds.

Deficiency diseases

Here too, research is not yet very advanced, but there is evidence of glandular and nervous disorders, heart disease and reduced oxygen uptake by tissues.


The usual daily dosage is 50 to 150 mg.


There are no known cases of poisoning. Some people report feeling sick at the beginning of a B15 course, but this generally disappears after a few days and can be alleviated by taking the vitamin BI5 supplement after the largest meal of the day.

Requirements in sport

The supply of pangemic acid can prolong the aerobic phase of muscle work. An accumulation of lactate (lactic acid), which occurs in the anaerobic phase of muscle work, is delayed. Because of this effect, pangemic acid was recommended at the end of the 1980s in doses of 60 mg per day to improve athletic performance. Later, however, there were indications that both DMG and another component of pangamic acid could trigger mutations. A carcinogenic effect of pangamic acid can therefore not be ruled out. Pengamic acid and its components dimethylglycine and dilsopropylamine dichloroacetate are classified as mutagenic.

Unfortunately, however, nothing has yet been proven. All this can only be a possibility. As pangamic acid improves oxygen uptake by the body's tissues, 60 mg per day should be taken 15-30 minutes before training.