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Rosa Chinensis rose hip

Rosa Chinensis is a plant from the rose family whose fruit (rosehip) is used to make medicine. Men use Rosa Chinensis rosehip for sexual problems. Women use Rosa Chinensis rosehip for vaginal discharge and uterine bleeding. Other uses include the treatment of night sweats, frequent urination, bedwetting, persistent diarrhea, persistent cough, high blood pressure and inflammatory swelling of the testicles.

How does Rosa Chinensis rosehip work?

Rosa Chinensis rose hip contains high amounts of vitamin C (1.5%). This could explain some of its effects.

How effective is Rosa Chinensis rosehip?

There is not enough scientific data to assess the effectiveness of Rosa Chinensis rose hip for male sexual problems, vaginal discharge, uterine bleeding, night sweats, constant urination, bedwetting, chronic cough, high blood pressure, diarrhea and swelling of the testicles. Further scientific research is needed to evaluate the effectiveness of Rosa Chinensis rosehip for these conditions.

Safety and side effects

Rosa Chinensis rosehip appears to be safe and harmless for most people when used in reasonable amounts. Possible side effects include nausea, stomach cramps, fatigue and insomnia. High doses (67 grams of Rosa Chinensis rosehip or more) may cause diarrhea and symptoms of vitamin C poisoning such as kidney and urinary tract problems.

Precautions and warnings

Pregnancy and lactation: It may not be safe to use high doses of Rosa Chinensis rose hip during pregnancy. Prolonged use of high doses of vitamin C causes the body to increase the excretion of vitamin C. This can lead to vitamin C deficiency. This can lead to a vitamin C deficiency if the vitamin C intake is reduced. In the situation of pregnancy, this means that the newborn child may experience a vitamin C deficiency if vitamin C intake is reduced after birth. Not enough is known about the safety of using lower doses of Rosa Chinensis rosehip during pregnancy. There is also not much information about the use of Rosa Chinensis rosehip during breastfeeding, so breastfeeding women should avoid taking Rosa Chinensis rosehip.

Diabetes: The large amounts of vitamin C contained in Rosa Chinensis rosehip may affect blood sugar control. For this reason, diabetics taking Rosa Chinensis rosehip should carefully monitor their blood sugar levels.

Gout: The large amounts of vitamin C contained in Rosa Chinensis rose hips may increase uric acid levels, which could aggravate gout.

Kidney stones: The large amounts of vitamin C found in Rosa Chinensis rosehips could promote the formation of kidney stones and aggravate kidney problems.


Care should be taken when using Rosa Chinensis rosehip in combination with the following medications:


Aluminum is contained in most acid blockers. Rosa Chinensis rose hips contain vitamin C. Vitamin C can increase the amount of aluminum absorbed by the body. However, it is not clear whether this side effect is a major cause for concern. To be on the safe side, Rosa Chinensis rose hips should be taken two hours before or four hours after acid blockers.


The body breaks down aspirin in order to excrete it. Rosa Chinensis rose hips contain large amounts of vitamin C. Large amounts of vitamin C could reduce the breakdown of aspirin. Taking Rosa Chinensis rose hips in combination with aspirin could increase the effects and side effects of aspirin. For this reason, you should not take large amounts of vitamin C if you are taking large amounts of aspirin.


Rosa Chinensis rose hips contain large amounts of vitamin C. Vitamin C can increase the amount of oestrogen absorbed by the body. Taking Rosa Chinensis rosehips in combination with oestrogen can increase the effects and side effects of oestrogen.

Care should be taken when using Rosa Chinensis rosehip in combination with the following medications:

Choline Magnesium Trisalicylate

Rosa Chinensis rose hips contain vitamin C. Vitamin C can reduce the rate at which the body breaks down choline magnesium trisalicylate. However, it is not clear whether this interaction is a major cause for concern.


An appropriate dosage of Rosa Chinensis rosehip depends on various factors such as age, health status and others. At this time, there is insufficient scientific data to make a statement about appropriate dosage ranges for Rosa Chinensis rosehip. For this reason, you should follow the dosage instructions on the label and/or consult a doctor or pharmacist before use.


  1. Back DJ, Breckenridge AM, MacIver M, et al. Interaction of ethinyloestradiol with ascorbic acid in man. Br Med J (Clin Res Ed) 1981;282:1516.
  2. Burnham TH, ed. Drug Facts and Comparisons, Updated Monthly. Facts and Comparisons, St. Louis, MO.
  3. Hansten PD, Horn JR. Drug Interactions Analysis and Management. Vancouver, WA: Applied Therapeutics Inc, 1997 and updates.
  4. Levine M, Rumsey SC, Daruwala R, et al. Criteria and recommendations for vitamin C intake. JAMA 1999;281:1415-23.
  5. Morris JC, Beeley L, Ballantine N. Interaction of ethinyloestradiol with ascorbic acid in man [letter]. Br Med J (Clin Res Ed) 1981;283:503.