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Pterostilbene is a compound that is related to resveratrol but contains two additional methyl groups. Pterostilbene is believed to have a wide range of benefits, including lowering cholesterol levels, improving insulin sensitivity and enhancing cognition and mental function.

Where does Pterostilbene come from?

Pterostilbene occurs naturally in grapes, blueberries and vijayasar (also known as the Indian kino tree). However, unlike resveratrol, it is not found in red wine (Adrian et al, 2000), possibly because this compound is not stable enough to survive the winemaking process undamaged.

Benefits of pterostilbene

Most of the benefits of pterostilbene are related to general health. However, some of the benefits can also be positive for bodybuilders.

Benefits of Pterostilbene in relation to insulin

An Indian study conducted with subjects suffering from diabetes mellitus showed that twelve weeks of supplementation with Vijayasar containing pterostilbene significantly reduced blood glucose levels (ICMR, 1998). Similar effects have been observed in animal studies (Rimando et al, 2005). Thus, it is possible that pterostilbene may have similar effects to the widely used diabetes drug metformin (Pari & Satheesh, 2006), whose effects include stimulation of higher insulin sensitivity and better glucose uptake by body tissues. In the context of bodybuilding and sports nutrition, pterostilbene can therefore be used as an insulin enhancer, helping to deliver nutrients such as carbohydrates, amino acids and even creatine into the cells. This process can help provide the body with what it desperately needs during times when nutrients are needed quickly, such as during intense exercise. This can lead to increased performance and better recovery.

Benefits of Pterostilbene for cardiovascular health

Studies conducted with animals have shown promising results. When hamsters suffering from high cholesterol levels were fed Pterostilbene, a 29% reduction in unhealthy LDL cholesterol levels and a 7% increase in healthy HDL cholesterol levels were observed compared to the control group. The authors of the study also concluded that the effects of pterostilbene could be stronger than those of resveratrol (Rimando et al, 2005).

Benefits of pterostilbene in relation to cognitive function

There is a study conducted with rats that looked at the effects of pterostilbene on cognitive function. When older rats were fed pterostilbene, an improvement in learning ability and memory performance was observed (Joseph et al, 2008). This could support an improvement in the mind-muscle connection, especially in older exercisers.

Safety, side effects and disadvantages

No adverse side effects were observed in the human study (ICMR 1998). When mice were fed large amounts of pterostilbene of up to 3,000 mg per kilogram of body weight, no toxic effects were observed (Ruiz et al, 2009). Pterostilbene therefore has a fairly good safety profile when administered at the recommended dosage.

However, anecdotal evidence suggests that it may cause low blood glucose levels. This is not unreasonable considering the insulin-boosting properties of this supplement. Users suffering from diabetes or other serious health problems should consult their doctor before using Pterostilbene.

Recommended dosage and timing of intake

The dosage of Pterostilbene depends on the user's body weight and goals. Doses in the range of 50 to 125 mg twice daily have been used in studies. Considering the insulin-boosting effects of this compound, it makes sense to take Pterostilbene before or during training with other nutrients such as carbohydrates, protein and/or creatine.


Pterostilbene is rarely available as a mono-preparation. It can be found in some pre-workout, intra-workout and carbohydrate supplements.

Combinations with other supplements

To benefit from the insulin-boosting properties of Pterostilbene, it can be combined with protein, carbohydrates, creatine, L-carnitine or other insulin-dependent ingredients.


  1. Adrian et al (2000), Assay of Resveratrol and Derivative Stilbenes in Wines by Direct Injection High Performance Liquid Chromatography. M. Adrian, P. Jeandet, A. C. Breuil, D. Levite, S. Debord and R. Bessis, Am. J. Enol. Vitic, 2000, vol. 51, no. 1, pages 37-41
  2. ICMR (1998), Flexible dose open trial of Vijayasar in cases of newly-diagnosed non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), Collaborating Centers, New Delhi. Indian J Med Res, 108:24-9.
  3. Joseph et al (2008), Cellular and behavioral effects of stilbene resveratrol analogues: implications for reducing the deleterious effects of aging. J Agric Food Chem, 56(22):10544-51
  4. Pari & Satheesh (2006), Effect of pterostilbene on hepatic key enzymes of glucose metabolism in streptozotocin- and nicotinamide-induced diabetic rats. Life Sci, 79(7):641-5.
  5. Rimando et al (2005), Pterostilbene, a New Agonist for the Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor α-Isoform, Lowers Plasma Lipoproteins and Cholesterol in Hypercholesterolemic Hamsters. J. Agric. Food Chem, 53:3403-3407
  6. Ruiz et al (2009), Dietary administration of high doses of pterostilbene and quercetin to mice is not toxic. J Agric Food Chem, 57(8):3180-6