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Mucuna pruriens

It is a vigorous climber with a sharp-edged stem and three-part leaves. The leaflets are elongated or ovate and densely hairy on both sides. It has dark purple or bluish, 2-3 cm long flowers that form short, hanging racemes. Its pods, with long, stiff and prickly hairs, are about 4-9cm long and 1cm thick. Mucuna pruriens originally comes from southern China and the East Indies, but is now cultivated throughout the tropics. In the Himalayas and Mauritius, the green fruits and ripe beans are traditionally cooked and eaten. In Guatemala and Mexico, the beans are roasted and ground to make a type of coffee (1). The taste of the bean is bitter and similar to that of coffee. The Ayurvedic scholar Sushruta said that Mucuna Pruriens, combined with Tribulus terrestris, is a powerful aphrodisiac and tonic. This effect is partly due to the L-dopa content (4 to 7%), which is why Ayurvedic medicine also uses this remedy successfully for Parkinson's disease ('shaking palsy') (1). In the body, L-dopa is partly converted to dopamine, which plays a major role in brain metabolism as an excitatory neurotransmitter. Parkinson's patients lack dopamine in certain regions of the brain that are important for movement sequences. However, dopamine production in the brain also decreases with increasing age. The result: reduced alertness, subdued mood and listlessness. Mucuna counteracts this tendency and provides mood enhancement and activation.

Nutritional value and active compounds

In addition to its L-dopa content (around 5%), the Mucuna pruriens bean has a good nutritional value. Even though it is a legume, it is easily digestible and rich in the following nutrients (2):

Mucuna pruriens seeds also contain (2, 4, 5)

  • Mildly hallucinogenic tryptamines
  • Psychoactive serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine)
  • D-chiro-inositol, a rare plant compound that could help with diabetes and polycystic ovary syndrome
  • Newly discovered antioxidants and potentially neuroprotective substances (of as yet unknown structure)


Like most legumes, Mucuna pruriens contains various antinutrients that limit its benefits and nutritional quality (2). These include the following:

  • Tannins, which can bind proteins and reduce their digestion
  • Trypsin inhibitors, which reduce the activity of trypsin, which helps digest proteins.
  • Phytates, which can bind minerals and block their absorption in the digestive tract.
  • Cyanogenic glycosides - plant toxins that form a small amount of cyanide in the body.
  • Lectins, which according to some theories are a significant source of food intolerance.
  • Oligosaccharides (FODMAPS), which can cause flatulence.
  • Alkaloids such as mucunin and saponins.

The tannins contained in mucuna, which are polysaccharides, are not only bad. Although they reduce the absorption of proteins and can cause digestive problems in sensitive people, they can be beneficial for some people with intestinal problems and autoimmune diseases. Tannins found in mucuna may help fight viruses and other microbes, inflammation and high blood pressure (2).

Health benefits of Mucuna Pruriens

Mucuna pruriens could reduce the symptoms of Parkinson's disease

Some scientific studies suggest that Mucuna pruriens may have positive effects on the symptoms of Parkinson's disease. L-dopa is the primary active ingredient in Mucuna pruriens that could reduce the symptoms of Parkinson's (6).

People suffering from Parkinson's have low levels of dopamine in parts of the brain due to impaired conversion of tyrosine to L-dopa. Studies suggest that L-dopa contained in Mucuna pruriens can cross the blood-brain barrier and be used to produce dopamine, thereby restoring its levels in the brain, as well as neurotransmission. In addition, other antioxidants contained in this plant may improve brain protection (6, 2).

Others have pointed out that some of the L-dopa from mucuna may be degraded before it reaches the brain (7). To refute this argument, some scientists have hypothesized that Mucuna Pruriens - unlike L-dopa - may affect additional pathways in the brain or that it contains compounds that prevent L-dopa from being degraded. However, these hypotheses have not yet been confirmed (7). In a clinical trial involving 60 subjects, a powder derived from Mucuna pruriens (HP-200), used over a 12-week period, reduced Parkinson's symptoms better than standard levodopa treatment. In another study, Mucuna pruriens was as effective as levodopa treatment, but was better absorbed and reached maximum levels faster (8, 6). In one study, a single dose of Mucuna powder was as effective as standard medication (levodopa + benserazide) in 18 patients with advanced Parkinson's disease, but caused fewer adverse side effects. Higher doses of Mucuna were even more effective and longer lasting than the standard medication (9). These three studies suggest that Mucuna Pruriens could be used as an adjunctive strategy in the treatment of Parkinson's disease. However, a randomized pilot study with 14 Parkinson's patients suggested that a Mucuna pruriens powder may have more side effects than levodopa/carbidopa, the typical drug combination for Parkinson's (10). In this study, daily use of Mucuna Pruriens resulted in 50% of patients discontinuing treatment due to either digestive side effects or deterioration in motor performance. No subjects in the drug group discontinued treatment. In the patients who tolerated Mucuna Pruriens, the clinical response was similar to that to levodopa/carbidopa (10).

Mucuna Pruriens could alleviate male infertility

Dopamine is one of the most important neurotransmitters when it comes to sexual behavior and libido in men. Its effects are quite straightforward: an increase in dopamine levels in the brain increases libido, while a reduction in dopamine levels and similar neurotransmitters (catecholamines) reduces libido and sexual function in men (11). Mucuna pruriens is commonly used as a supplement to treat male infertility due to its dopamine-boosting and antioxidant effects. However, there are few clinical studies to support its use in male infertility.

In one study of 60 infertile men, Mucuna powder (5 grams per day) improved sperm count, sperm motility and overall sperm quality. In two other studies involving over 250 infertile men, Mucuna increased testosterone levels as well as improving sperm quality. It may also increase antioxidant levels and promote the balance of other sex and stress hormones associated with male infertility. However, larger-scale studies are needed to confirm these results (12, 13, 14).

In addition, the effects of Mucuna on fertility in healthy men or men with suboptimal fertility are unknown. All of the studies cited above were conducted with infertile men.

Mucuna Pruriens could alleviate stress (which is associated with infertility)

There is not enough scientific data to suggest that Mucuna pruriens could reduce stress, although early results seem promising. In one study, a Mucuna pruriens seed powder reduced psychological stress and cortisol levels in 60 infertile men after 3 months. Scientists believe that this plant may help to better cope with stress, but this is limited to infertile men and may be related to the fertility-enhancing effects of Mucuna (15).

Mucuna Pruriens may help with high prolactin levels (which are associated with infertility)

High levels of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and high prolactin levels signal that the pituitary gland is not functioning properly and can impair testicular function and reduce fertility in men (13, 14).

Mucuna Pruriens reduced prolactin and FSH levels in two clinical trials involving over 250 infertile men. Mucuna Pruriens may promote the balance of these hormones by increasing dopamine levels, thereby reducing the production of prolactin and FSH (13, 14).

High prolactin levels may also be the result of low thyroid hormone levels, tumors in the pituitary gland, psychiatric medications (such as antipsychotics) or other causes. Whether Mucuna Pruriens can also help with a slight increase in levels in conditions other than male infertility has not yet been investigated (16).

Mucuna pruriens could improve sleep

There is limited evidence that Mucuna pruriens may improve sleep. In a study of 18 subjects, Mucuna pruriens in combination with another tropical medicinal plant (Chlorophytum borivilianum) improved sleep quality by 50% after 4 weeks of use (17).

Despite numerous traditional anecdotes regarding the ability of these medicinal plants to improve sleep quality, this was the first human study to investigate these effects. It remains unknown what effects Mucuna alone may have on sleep quality.

Mucuna pruriens could alleviate ADHD symptoms

It is well known that dopamine is important for attention. In a study of 85 children and teenagers with ADHD, a combination of Mucuna Pruriens with vitamins, minerals and other supplements (vitamin C, calcium citrate, vitamin B6, folate, L-lysine, L-cysteine and selenium) improved the symptoms of the condition in 77% of subjects. However, this study has a high risk of author bias (18).

In addition, the treatment protocol and supplement combination used in this study were designed to naturally increase serotonin and dopamine levels in the brain. The contribution of Mucuna to the observed effects is unknown.

Other potential health benefits that have not yet been investigated in human clinical trials

Mucuna pruriens could protect against snake venom poisoning

In Nigeria, Mucuna pruriens extracts are traditionally used to prevent poisoning after snake bites. The powder is touted by traditional healers as prophylactic protection against snake bites. These healers claim that a person who swallows the intact seeds of the plant will be protected from the effects of snakebites for a whole year (2).

There is as yet no clinical study to support these claims, but research conducted with tissue samples and animals provides some initial evidence. In one study using rat hearts, Mucuna powder protected against the heart-damaging effects of cobra venom. In another study, mice that had previously been treated with Mucuna released more antibodies against the venom of the viper (19, 20).

Mucuna contains sugar-bound proteins that are similar to the proteins in snake venom, which stimulates the production of antibodies (2). Scientists hypothesize that these antibodies could remain in the body for a longer period of time and prepare the immune system for snake venom poisoning in a similar way to vaccinations. These antibodies may be able to react with snake venom and potentially protect against serious poisoning (2).

Mucuna pruriens could improve mood and mental health

When it comes to depression, we talk about serotonin and norepinephrine more often than dopamine. However, scientists are beginning to realize that dopamine, which is usually associated with motivation and emotion, may play an equally important role (21).

It is not that low dopamine levels generally cause low mood. Rather, it is dopamine deficits in specific areas of the brain that can cause such symptoms. Low dopamine levels in the emotional centers of the brain lead to an inability to feel pleasure, which is common in depression. Low dopamine levels in cognitive areas of the brain may be responsible for a lack of motivation, which is common in people with depression (21).

Scientists have observed that the dopamine-boosting actions of Mucuna pruriens extracts improved mood and reduced symptoms of depression in mice. At the same time, Mucuna pruriens reduced the animals' stress levels and showed all the desired characteristics of a good antidepressant (22).

However, although these results are interesting, they are currently limited to animal studies, which means that further studies are needed to determine the effects of Mucuna on depression in humans.

Mucuna Pruriens could protect against pathogens and parasites

Mucuna Pruriens is traditionally used as a supportive treatment for parasite infestations, but no clinical studies have yet investigated this.

Naturopaths claim that mucuna has antiparasitic effects. They often use mucuna together with other treatments to combat parasites. In a study conducted with lambs, Mucuna seeds were able to slightly reduce the number of parasites, but did not cure the infection. In goats, it improved digestion but did not reduce the parasite infection. In cell cultures, Mucuna seed oil was able to paralyze but not kill parasites (23).

Mucuna leaves probably contain higher amounts of potentially antibacterial compounds than the seeds. Mucuna leaf extracts were effective in combating certain bacteria in cell cultures, probably due to their high phenolic and tannin content. However, it is not possible to draw definitive conclusions from studies on cells (2).

Mucuna pruriens could alleviate cramps

In mice, a leaf extract of Mucuna pruriens was able to reduce cramps. It could also alleviate a type of muscle stiffness known as catalepsy, which is associated with seizures, schizophrenia and Parkinson's disease. Scientists are still investigating whether the anticonvulsant effects of Mucuna are due to the mixed effects of L-dopa, serotonin and antioxidants (24).

Mucuna pruriens could help to lower blood sugar levels

Mucuna Pruriens contains an inositol known as d-chiro-inositol. This compound can mimic the effects of insulin and could help to lower blood sugar levels. In mice, it was observed that high doses of Mucuna seeds could indeed lower blood sugar levels (2).

Mucuna pruriens could have positive effects on skin health

Thanks to their antioxidant potential, Mucuna pruriens extracts are being studied for their ability to protect skin cells. Scientists hope that creams containing mucuna can alleviate skin conditions such as psoriasis, dermatitis and eczema, but further studies are needed (2).

Mucuna Pruriens is said to be able to increase growth hormone levels in the field of sport

L-dopa is a growth hormone releaser (see also arginine). This improved release of growth hormone, which unfortunately also decreases drastically with age, leads to a considerable increase in vitality. Growth hormone is the body's main regeneration hormone.

An increase in HGH levels has the ability to increase lean muscle mass and reduce body fat.

Mucuna can also increase testosterone levels, which in turn leads to an increase in muscle mass and strength.

Is Mucuna Pruriens a mind-expanding plant?

The Mucuna Pruriens bean contains some tryptamine compounds, which are known as mind-expanding substances. However, the concentration of these compounds is very low in most available supplements. Mucuna has been shown to have mild hallucinogenic and sedative effects in animal studies.

It is therefore theoretically possible - although not proven - that mucuna beans could have mild relaxing and mind-expanding effects. Further studies are needed to confirm this (2).

Safety and side effects

The following side effects have been observed in clinical studies (26):

  • Nausea
  • Indigestion
  • Vomiting (rare)
  • Insomnia (rare)

Serious side effects or changes in blood values were not observed, but cannot be ruled out.

A Mucuna overdose can cause headaches, movement disorders, exhaustion, tremors, fainting and thirst (26).

The hairs of the Mucuna pruriens bean have a strong irritant effect and can cause severe itching, burning and swelling when taken orally or applied to the skin.

The long-term safety of Mucuna pruriens has not yet been established.

Precautions and warnings

Mucuna is high in L-dopa, which can increase dopamine levels in the brain and body. Elevated dopamine levels or L-dopa use may be contraindicated or even dangerous in some conditions. These include (27): Pregnancy and lactation: Not enough is known about the safety of Mucuna Pruriens during pregnancy and lactation. For this reason, pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid Mucuna Pruriens to be on the safe side.

Diseases of the heart and blood vessels (cardiovascular diseases) including cardiac arrhythmia: Due to the levodopa (L-dopa) contained in Mucuna Pruriens, people suffering from cardiovascular disease should avoid Mucuna Pruriens or use it with caution. L-dopa can often cause low blood pressure when standing up, dizziness and fainting. Less commonly, L-dopa can also cause palpitations or irregular heartbeat.

Diabetes: There is evidence that Mucuna Pruriens may lower blood sugar levels and cause excessive drops in blood sugar levels. If you suffer from diabetes and use Mucuna Pruriens, you should carefully monitor your blood sugar levels. The dosage of diabetes medication may need to be adjusted.

Low blood sugar (hypoglycemia): There is evidence that Mucuna Pruriens may lower blood sugar levels and aggravate low blood sugar.

Liver disorders: Mucuna Pruriens contains levodopa (L-dopa). L-dopa appears to increase blood levels of chemicals that indicate liver damage. This could mean that Mucuna Pruriens could exacerbate liver disease. For this reason, Mucuna Pruriens should not be used if you suffer from liver disease.

Skin cancer (melanoma): The body can use the levodopa (L-dopa) contained in Mucuna Pruriens to produce the skin pigment melanin. There are concerns that extra melanin could make melanoma worse. You should therefore not use Mucuna Pruriens if you have a history of melanoma or suspicious skin lesions.

Stomach or intestinal ulcers: There are reports that levodopa (L-dopa) can cause bleeding in people with stomach or intestinal ulcers. As Mucuna Pruriens contains L-dopa, there are concerns that it may cause bleeding around the digestive tract in patients with stomach or intestinal ulcers. However, problems of this nature have not yet been reported in connection with Mucuna Pruriens.

Mental disorders: Due to the levodopa (L-dopa) it contains, Mucuna Pruriens could exacerbate mental disorders. L-dopa may cause a worsening of symptoms in patients with schizophrenia or psychotic disorders.

Surgeries: Mucuna Pruriens could affect blood sugar levels and there are therefore concerns that it could interfere with blood sugar control during and after surgery. For this reason, you should stop taking Mucuna Pruriens two weeks before any upcoming operations.

Glaucoma (narrow-angle glaucoma): The L-dopa contained in Mucuna can increase blood pressure in the eye.

Chronic nerve pain: The L-dopa contained in Mucuna may aggravate existing nerve pain.

Food intolerances: Due to their lectin content, Mucuna beans may not be suitable for people with certain food intolerances.

Individual differences in the effect of Mucuna Prruriens

There are two MAO enzymes in the body: MAOA and MAOB, which are responsible for the breakdown of neurotransmitters of the monoamine structure, including dopamine.

People with low MAO enzyme activity may be more sensitive to the effects of Mucuna. This also means that these people are more likely to experience excessively high dopamine levels when taking this supplement.

People with high MAO activity, on the other hand, may respond less well to Mucuna as they break down dopamine more quickly.


Mucuna Pruriens should not be taken in combination with the following medications:

Medications for depression (MAO inhibitors)

Mucuna Pruriens contains chemicals that stimulate the body. Some medications used for depression can increase the levels of these chemicals. Taking Mucuna Pruriens in combination with these medications for depression could cause serious side effects including rapid heartbeat, high blood pressure, seizures, nervousness and others.

Care should be taken when combining Mucuna Pruriens with the following medications.


Mucuna Pruriens can lower blood pressure. Guanethidine can also lower blood pressure. Taking Mucuna Pruriens in combination with guanethidine could lower blood pressure too much.

Diabetes medication

Mucuna pruriens could lower blood sugar. Diabetes medication is also used to lower blood sugar levels. Taking Mucuna Pruriens in combination with diabetes medication could result in an excessive drop in blood sugar levels. For this reason, blood glucose levels should be carefully monitored. It is possible that the dosage of diabetes medication may need to be adjusted.

Medication for mental disorders

Mucuna pruriens appears to increase levels of a chemical in the brain called dopamine. Some medications for mental illness help to lower dopamine levels. Taking Mucuna Pruriens in combination with these mental health medications could reduce the effectiveness of these medications.

Medications used during surgery (anesthetics)

Mucuna Pruriens contains a chemical called levodopa (L-dopa). Taking L-dopa in conjunction with drugs used during surgery can cause heart problems. For this reason, you should inform your doctor about the natural products you are taking before surgery. Furthermore, the use of Mucuna Pruriens should be discontinued at least two weeks before the operation.

Medication for depression (tricyclic antidepressants)

Some medications used for depression can slow down the functioning of the stomach and intestines. This could reduce the amount of Mucuna pruriens absorbed by the body. Taking these medications for depression could reduce the effects of Mucuna Pruriens.

Mucuna Pruriens dosage

For Parkinson's disease

The two studies that showed a reduction in Parkinson's symptoms used dosages of 30 and 15 grams of a standardized Mucuna pruriens dry extract containing 33 mg of L-dopa per gram. Most standardized extracts contain 3 to 5% L-dopa. Other studies used lower dosages in the range of 5 grams per day.

For male infertility

5 grams of Mucuna pruriens powder per day increased sperm motility, count and overall quality (12).


Mucuna is available in many different forms:

  • Raw seeds/beans
  • Seed extracts
  • Roasted beans
  • powder
  • Capsules
  • Tinctures

