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Lovage, which is also known as Maggikraut or Luststock and by its Latin name Levisticum Officinale, is a plant whose root and root stem are used to make medicine. Lovage is used as an irrigation therapy for inflammatory pain and swelling of the lower urinary tract, to prevent kidney stones and to increase the flow of urine in the case of urinary tract infections or water retention. Lovage is also used for stomach upsets, heartburn, flatulence, a bloated stomach, irregular menstrual periods, sore throats, boils, jaundice, malaria, pleurisy, gout, rheumatic joint pain and migraine headaches. Lovage is also used as an expectorant in the respiratory tract. Lovage is used as a flavoring component in foods and beverages. In industrial production, lovage is used as a fragrance in soap and cosmetics.

How does lovage work?

The chemicals contained in lovage may increase urinary excretion of water, relieve cramps and help fight infections.

How effective is lovage?

There is not enough scientific data to say how effective lovage is for stomach upsets, heartburn, flatulence, irregular menstrual periods, sore throats, boils, jaundice, gout and migraines, as well as when used as part of irrigation therapy for urinary tract inflammation and kidney stones. Further scientific studies are needed to evaluate the effectiveness of lovage in these applications.

Safety and side effects

Lovage may not be safe and harmless for most people. It may increase sensitivity to sunlight, especially with long-term use. This could increase the risk of skin rashes, sunburn and skin cancer. For this reason, fair-skinned people in particular should use sunscreen and protective clothing when using lovage outdoors.

Precautions and warnings

Pregnancy and breastfeeding: Lovage is probably not safe and harmless during pregnancy. There are reports that lovage may cause contractions of the uterus or induce menstruation. This could lead to miscarriages. Not enough is known about the safety and harmlessness of lovage during breastfeeding, which is why breastfeeding women should avoid lovage to be on the safe side.

Water retention (edema): You should not try irrigation therapy, which uses a mild diuretic such as lovage with plenty of water to increase urine flow, if you suffer from water retention due to heart disease or kidney conditions.

High blood pressure: There are concerns that lovage may increase the amount of sodium in the body, which could increase blood pressure.

Kidney problems: You should not use lovage if you suffer from inflamed or painful kidneys or impaired kidney function.


Care should be taken when combining lovage with the following medications:


Lovage appears to act as a diuretic by causing the body to excrete water. Taking lovage in combination with diuretics could cause the body to lose too much water. The loss of too much water can result in dizziness and low blood pressure.


An appropriate dosage of lovage depends on various factors such as age, state of health and others. At the present time, there is insufficient scientific data to be able to make a statement about appropriate dosage ranges for lovage. For this reason, you should follow the dosage instructions on the label and/or consult a doctor or pharmacist before use.