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Liver extract

Liver extract is a product made from animal liver, usually bovine liver. Liver extract is used for the production of medicine.

Liverextract is used to improve liver function, to treat chronic liver diseases, to prevent liver damage and to regenerate liver tissue. It is also used for allergies, chronic fatigue syndrome, to improve muscle development in bodybuilders, to improve stamina and strength, to detoxify the body and to aid recovery from chemical dependency or poisoning.

How does liver extract work?

Liver extract contains vitamin B12, folic acid and iron. In animals, it appears to increase the number of liver cells. It is not known how liver extract might work in medical applications in humans.

How effective is liver extract?

There is not enough scientific data to make a statement regarding the effectiveness of liver extract for improving liver function, preventing liver damage, treating liver disease, treating allergies, improving muscle development, improving strength and physical endurance, treating chronic fatigue syndrome, detoxification, and recovery from chemical dependency. Further scientific research is needed to evaluate the effectiveness of liver extract in these applications.

Safety and side effects

There is not enough information to say whether liver extract is safe and harmless, but because preparations of liver extract are derived from animals, there are concerns about possible contamination from diseased animals.

Precautions and warnings

Pregnancy and lactation: Not enough is known about the use of liver extract during pregnancy and lactation. For this reason, pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid liver extract.

Too much iron in the body: Liver extract contains iron and could aggravate iron metabolism disorders. If you suffer from one of these disorders, you should not use liver extract.


There is currently no information on interactions between liver extract and medications or supplements.


An appropriate dosage of liver extract depends on various factors such as age, state of health and others. At the present time, there is insufficient scientific data to make a statement about appropriate dosage ranges for liver extract. For this reason, you should follow the dosage instructions on the label and/or consult a doctor or pharmacist before use.


  1. Fukuda Y, Sawata M, Washizuka M, et al [Effect of liver hydrolysate on hepatic proliferation in regenerating rat liver]. Nippon Yakurigaku Zasshi 1999;114:233-8.
  2. Lewis CJ. Letter to reiterate certain public health and safety concerns to firms manufacturing or importing dietary supplements that contain specific bovine tissues. FDA. Available at: