Sticky weed
Burdockbedstraw is a plant whose parts growing above the ground are used to make medicine. Burdock bedstraw is used to increase urine flow to relieve water retention. It is also used for painful urination, enlarged or infected lymph nodes and psoriasis. Some people apply burdock bedstraw directly to the skin for ulcers, enlarged glands, lumps in the breast and skin rashes.
How does burdock bedstraw work?
Burdock contains chemicals called tannins, which may help reduce skin inflammation and have a drying effect on tissue.
How effective is burdock ragwort?
There is not enough scientific data to make a statement about the effectiveness of burdock for water retention, pain when urinating, psoriasis, enlarged lymph nodes, skin ulcers, breast lumps and skin rashes. Further scientific research is needed to evaluate the effectiveness of burdock bedstraw for these conditions.
Safety and side effects
Burdock ragwort appears to be safe and harmless when taken orally in appropriate doses. However, there is not enough information to conclude whether burdock bedstraw applied to the skin is safe and harmless.
Precautions and warnings:
Pregnancy and lactation: not enough is known about the use of burdock bedstraw during pregnancy and lactation. For this reason, pregnant and breastfeeding women are advised to avoid burdock bedstraw.
Diabetes: There are concerns that the juice squeezed from burdock rue may affect diabetes. For this reason, diabetics should carefully monitor their blood sugar when using burdock.
At this time, there is no information on interactions of burdock ragwort with medications or supplements.
An appropriate dosage of burdock ragwort depends on various factors such as age, state of health and others. At the present time, there is insufficient scientific data to make a statement about appropriate dosage ranges for burdock ragwort. For this reason, you should follow the dosage instructions on the label and/or consult a doctor or pharmacist before use.