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Greek sage

Greek sage is a plant whose leaves are used to make a medicinal tea. Greek sage is used to treat inflammation of the mouth and throat. Greek sage is sometimes, although rarely, found as an impurity in true sage.

How does Greek sage work?

There is not enough information available to say how Greek sage might work as a medicine.

How effective is Greek sage?

There is not enough scientific data to make a statement about the effectiveness of Greek sage for inflammation of the mouth and throat. Further scientific research is needed to evaluate the effectiveness of Greek sage for these conditions.

Safety and side effects

There is not enough information to say whether Greek sage is safe and harmless or what side effects it may have.

Precautions and warnings

Pregnancy and breastfeeding: Not enough is known about the use of Greek sage during pregnancy and breastfeeding. For this reason, pregnant and breastfeeding women are advised to avoid Greek sage.


Care should be taken when combining Greek sage with the following medications:


Hexobarbital can cause drowsiness and dizziness. Greek sage could increase the effects of hexobarbital. Taking Greek sage in combination with hexobarbital could cause excessive drowsiness and dizziness.


An appropriate dosage of Greek sage depends on various factors such as age, health status and others. At this time, there is insufficient scientific data to determine appropriate dosage ranges for Greek sage. For this reason, you should follow the dosage instructions on the label and/or consult a doctor or pharmacist before use.


  1. Todorov S, Philianos S, Petkov V, et al. Experimental pharmacological study of three species from genus Salvia. Acta Physiol Pharmacol (Bulg) 1984;10:13-20.