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What are fly agarics?

The fly agaric is a mushroom with a red head and white spots. Fly agarics grow in sandy, alkaline soil. The fly agaric owes its name to the chemicals it contains, which are poisonous to common houseflies. Despite existing safety concerns, parts of the fly agaric that grow above ground are used to make medicine. *Fly agarics** are used in homeopathy to treat nerve pain, anxiety, alcohol poisoning and joint pain. Some people use fly agarics as a drug, as they have a mind-altering effect reminiscent of hallucinations.

How do fly agarics work?

Toadstools contain chemicals that cause the brain to misunderstand what the body sees, hears and feels.

How effective are toadstools?

There is not enough scientific information to make a statement about the effectiveness of fly agarics in treating nerve pain, joint pain, fever, anxiety and alcohol intoxication. Further scientific research is needed to evaluate the effectiveness of fly agarics in these applications.

Are there any safety concerns?

The use of fly agarics is not safe. Fly agarics and extracts from these mushrooms can cause side effects such as drowsiness, confusion, dizziness, lightheadedness and delirium, and ingestion can even be fatal.

Precautions and warnings

Pregnancy and breastfeeding: The use of fly agarics is not safe for everyone, but pregnant and breastfeeding women have the health of their child as an extra reason to avoid fly agarics.


There is currently no information on interactions of fly agarics with medications or other supplements.


There is currently insufficient scientific information available to determine a standard dosage for fly agarics.