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Synonyms: DMHA, octodrine, 1,5-dimethylhexylamine, 2-amino-6-methylheptanes

What is 2-aminoisoheptane?

2-Aminoisoheptane is a DMAA-like stimulant sold under various names. Unfortunately, 2-aminoisoheptane is a somewhat vague name that can describe two different stimulants:

  • 2-amino-6-methylheptanes
  • 2-amino-5-methylheptanes

This article will primarily focus on the '6' version, also known as DMHA, as this is the cheaper version currently on the market and has more scientific research to back it up. Another name for this version is Octodrine, but we prefer DMHA, which is an abbreviation for 1,5-dimethylhexylamine. If the label says 2-aminoisoheptanes, there's no way of knowing exactly what compound you're getting, but it will almost certainly be 2-amino-6-methylheptanes, as this is the cheaper version. This class of stimulants was first used in a supplement in 2013 and we are sure it was the 2-amino-5 version at the time. However, this product quickly disappeared from the market. In late 2015 and early 2016, the 2-amino-6 version appeared in some pre-workout products and fat burners.

The use of this compound has not yet been criticized by the American health authorities and the effects of this ingredient seem to fulfill the wishes of a wide range of supplement users and stimulant lovers. DMHA has the focus and performance-enhancing properties that many athletes, students and even programmers appreciate. Occasionally, DMHA is also declared on supplement labels as Aconitum Kusnezoffii or Aconite Extract, as this compound is said to be a natural component of the Acontium plant family. However, the likelihood that these products do not contain an extract of this plant family is very high. The reason for this is that the plants of this family contain very toxic compounds and can be fatal if not processed properly. It is therefore fairly safe to assume that the actual ingredient is the synthetically produced version and not an Acontium extract, as the synthetic version does not have the same potential for toxicity (1).

So the correct indication would most likely be 2-amino-6-methylheptane or 2-amino-6-methylheptane HCl and not Aconitum.

A brief warning at the outset...

Before we go into the properties and effects of DMHA, it should be mentioned that this compound is a stimulant for advanced and more experienced users who prefer more aggressive stimulants. If you are looking for a stimulant with proven safety and long-term safety, DMHA is certainly not the right choice. However, for users who have already had experience with DMAA and/or AMP Citrate, are healthy, have no known medical conditions and are not taking prescription medication, DMHA may be of interest.

How does 2-aminoisoheptane / DMHA work?

DMHA has structural similarities to DMAA, DMBA (AMP Citrate) and Tuaminoheptanes (2-aminoheptanes), all of which are referred to as sympathomimetic stimulants or psychostimulants (drugs and/or supplements that promote alertness and wakefulness) (2). Because of the structural similarities, we can make assumptions about how DMHY might exert its effects, with the emphasis on "assumptions" until further human studies have been conducted with this compound. However, these assumptions will be supported by anecdotal feedback and studies conducted with animals. The first interesting detail is that substances that have the structural properties of 2-aminoisoheptanes are also referred to as monoamine releasing agents. These are compounds that have the ability to increase the levels of certain monoamines (3, 4). These monoamines, which include dopamine and norepinephrine, are responsible for many of the effects that stimulants produce, including increased euphoria and alertness (5). For a compound to act as a monoamine releasing agent, it must be structurally and metabolically related to the classic monoamine neurotransmitters (3,4). DMAA and structurally related compounds such as DMHA share this structure and are capable of releasing both dopamine and norepinephrine via activation of Trace Amine Associated Receptor 1, while temporarily preventing the reuptake of these neurotransmitters in the presynaptic nerve. This reduces the ability of these neurotransmitters to dock to their target receptors and prolongs the activity of dopamine and norepinephrine, resulting in the stimulant effect we all know and love (3, 4, 6)


The DMAA 2D structure with highlighted PEA backbone


The DMHA 2D structure with highlighted PEA backbone

The trick is to find stimulants that do this in a mild way and that are neither too long nor too strong. DMAA and DMHA are almost perfect in this respect - they have a suitable structure, but are not so strong that they cannot be broken down by our body's enzymes. This is due to their structure. The second commonality between the three stimulants DMAA, DMHA and AMP citrate is the methyl group on the alpha carbon atom. This methyl group has three primary effects that are responsible for how these compounds will behave in the body:

1. the methyl group limits the action of monoamine oxidases

Monoamine oxidases (MAOs) are a family of enzymes that break down monoamines. By impairing the ability of MAOs to break down these monoamines, the half-life of DMHA is likely to be significantly prolonged, although we do not yet have exact data on this (7). However, one should be cautious with this statement. It is not desirable to inhibit MAOs for too long, otherwise things can start to get really hairy quite quickly. When you place two methyl groups on an amphetamine molecule, you get a compound we all know as methylamphetamine, which has truly devastating effects. When it comes to stimulants, too much is never a good thing. In this context, it is necessary to issue a warning: stimulants such as DMAA, DMHA and AMP citrate should never be combined with prescription drugs, especially stimulant drugs, antidepressants and MAO inhibitors. Such a combination can have devastating consequences.

2. the methyl group enhances the amphiphilic nature of these compounds

The methyl group gives the molecule a hydrophilic and a hydrophobic end. Translated into German, this means a "water-loving" and a "water-shunning" end, which in practice means that this compound is both water-soluble and fat-soluble. Increasing the fat solubility of a substance dramatically increases the ability of that compound to cross the blood-brain barrier, allowing the compound to exert its focus-enhancing and euphoric effects directly in the brain.

3. the methyl group increases the affinity for the catecholamine transporters.

This increased affinity results in a reduced reuptake of norepinephrine and epinephrine. The more catecholamines can interact with the target transporters, the stronger the effect of a stimulant. The higher the reuptake, the fewer catecholamines can interact with the target transporters, thus reducing the stimulant effect (8, 9). We should mention at this point that there are of course many other factors at play here and therefore it does not make much sense to just look for any stimulants with methyl groups. Most of these compounds fail for one reason or another, but a handful of them have just the right effect for just the right amount of time. Just like DMAA, DMHA seems to have just the right effects in this regard.

Classified as a decongestant:

Other similarities: Manufacturers classify this compound as a decongestant (10). This is exactly how DMAA and ephedrine began their "careers" - and even in roughly the same historical time frame. Searching for information on 2-amino-6-methylheptane, we found that this compound was used as the primary active ingredient in Eskay's Oralator - an inhaler developed in the 1950s to relieve coughs and colds. One dose was 350 mg (11), which is more than we would recommend in a 24-hour period! We don't know what happened to this drug, but it seems to have lost popularity at the same time due to the increasing prevalence of ephedrine.


The Eskays Oralator from the fifties

Alpha-1 adrenergic?

Its classification as a decongestant and earlier use as a bronchodialator raises the question of how this can be explained.

Bruce Kneller of Giant Sports says the following:

"From the literature, it appears that most of the peripheral effects of 2AIH are alpha-1-adrenergic in nature. This likely means that most people will experience vasoconstriction and pupil dilation. This compound could also induce sweating and affect bladder emptying."

Animal studies, which we will discuss below, show that it does not affect bladder emptying. Many alpha-1-adrenergic agents also dilate the airways.

The above part more or less reflects conjecture. Let's look at what we know from past animal studies:

Studies conducted with animals in the 1940s and 1950s

A study published in the British Journal of Pharmacology in 1952 (12) contained the following statement:

"Charlier (1951) showed that the respiration of huts under chloralosr was stimulated by 2-amino-6-methylheptane and that the stimulation persisted for more than 60 minutes." - D.E. Hutcheon (12)

The Chliralose method mentioned is used as a sedative and anesthetic in animals and DMHA stimulated them for a solid period of time.

The 1952 study cited dealt with octylamines, a related group of compounds. One of the compounds this study focused on is 2-aminoheptanes or tuaminoheptanes, which is closely related to DHMA (2-aminoisoheptanes). In this study, the authors concluded that this related group of compounds utilized similar mechanisms of action (MAO) as amphetamine, but had a weaker stimulant effect and less cardiovascular activity. These compounds had almost the same duration of action, while being less toxic and having "better" (higher) LD50 values (12). This type of compound is almost exactly what we are looking for, although it should be reiterated that the scientists were primarily looking at octylamines and not DMHA itself. However, we are getting closer.

The search for DMHA's pharmacological studies

In our search for the 1951 Charlier study cited in the above-mentioned study (13), published in Archives internationales de pharmacodynamie et de thérapie (Arch Int Pharmacodyn Ther), we hit a dead end as we could not find this paper. We would have loved to find it, as it is entitled "Pharmacology of 2-amino-6-methyl-heptanes" - pretty much exactly what we are interested in.

The good news is that we found another study with the same name ("The pharmacology of 2-amino-6-methylheptane") published in 1947 in The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics. From this study (15, 16) we can learn the following:

  • DMHA increased pain tolerance in cats. DMHA has local analgesic properties and also acted as an anesthetic in rabbit eyes!
  • When administered intravenously to dogs, 2-amino-6-methylheptane hydrochloride showed 1/500-1/1000 of the antihypertensive effect of ephedrine. In this context, it should be noted that ephedrine has a strong blood pressure-increasing effect (in humans, 50 ng per kilogram of body weight per minute increases systolic blood pressure by 17 in healthy men) (17), so further research is needed at this point.
  • 2-Amino-6-methylheptane HCl increases the heart rate.
  • Intravenous administration had no measurable effect on the small intestine, the detrusor muscle of the urinary bladder, urine excretion or respiration in dogs.

Intravenous LD50 toxicity is as follows (16):

  • Mice: 59mg/kg
  • Rats: 41.5mg/kg
  • Rabbits: 44mg/kg
  • Guinea pigs: 39mg/kg

The LD50 dose is the dose at which half of the test subjects die. So if you ingest the human LD50 dose of a compound, you are more or less flipping a coin to decide life and death and should better contact the poison control center. As everyone reacts differently to different substances, you should stay extremely far away from such doses to be on the safe side.

The values given above refer to intravenous use. Oral LD50 doses are much higher (538 mg/kg in rats) (18). It should also be taken into account that the data had to be interpolated due to the low number of test animals and are therefore not perfect. In addition, rats, rabbits and guinea pigs were given high, non-lethal doses for 30 days before the animals were killed and examined in an "autopsy". No recognizable damage was found when different tissue types were examined.

The doses during these 30 days were in the following ranges (16)

  • Rats: 20mg/kg injected
  • Rats: 75 or 100mg/kg administered orally
  • Guinea pigs: 20 or 25mg/kg injected
  • Rabbits: 20mg/kg injected

These were very high doses - the injections were half the LD50 doses - but still no tissue damage was found in the lungs, liver, kidneys, spleen, intestines, stomach, brain and spinal cord. Interestingly, the rats given extremely high oral doses became depressed. Too much of a stimulant is never a good thing. One of the most important quotes from this study concerns the motor activity of the test animals after administration of DMHA:

"Although there was evidence of increased activity following administration of S-51 [DMHA], at no time was a typical amphetamine-like effect observed." - Edwin Fellows (16). In this study, the scientists observed the rats' movements within their cages. The rats in the control group were quite calm and only moved back and forth occasionally. The rats that were given DMHA in varying doses up to a near-lethal dose were clearly agitated and moved around more, but they did not bang their heads against the wall as if they were on amphetamines. Of course, it is extremely difficult to predict human nervous system activity based on studies conducted with rats, so these results should be taken with a grain of salt. All in all, the data we see here is positive and promising. DMHA has a moderate duration of action and is less arousing than amphetamine. No matter from which angle we look at this active ingredient, we always come to the same conclusion - these are the effects that sensible users of stimulants want. Now it's time to take a look at the perceived effects of DMHA and user experiences before we go into more detail about dosages and side effects of this compound.

The feeling of 2-aminoisoheptane: our first DMHA review

Note: This section contains 100% anecdotal feedback.

I've tried two different supplements containing 2-amino-6-methylheptane so far and this stuff felt pretty damn good. It has almost the same effect on focus as DMAA, although perhaps not quite as intense. If I'm being completely honest, DMHA makes AMP Citrate look like a bad joke. In my opinion, DMHA might be exactly what many users are looking for. For some, DMAA was a little too strong, while AMP Citrate never really stood a chance. DMHA lies between the extremes and is a touch more relaxed than DMAA, while being significantly stronger than AMP Citrate. For me, DMHA is a really good alternative to DMAA.

Reports from other users confirm this assessment

My personal opinion of DMHA was confirmed by other users who reported similar effects compared to DMAA and DMBA, as well as increased focus and a feeling of warmth. The latter effects have helped make DMAA so popular as an ingredient in pre-workout supplements and thermogenic products. When it comes to the end-of-workout slump, users report a milder "come down" than is often seen with high doses of caffeine and DMAA. Other users report that the effect lasts for several hours, during which time they experience increased euphoria and a heightened sense of well-being. This is exactly what we had already predicted based on the structure and similarities to DMAA. Based on these anecdotal reports and almost unanimously positive experiences, it is likely that 2-amino-6-methylheptane will appear in numerous other future pre-workout products and fat burners.

The stimulating factor - will more dopamine increase mental performance?

Some users will not necessarily want to use 2-amino-6-methylheptane just to increase their training performance or fat loss. So what about the mental side of things? What about if you're looking for a boost while studying or a motivational kick? While it's hard to make a definitive statement about DMHA, when you compare DMHA to its structurally related compounds, it's very likely that it is capable of "waking up" the user. One should realize that the power of wakefulness can be the deciding factor in whether or not one can complete a task. Thus, this alone could be a reason to purchase a stimulant such as 2-amino-6-methylheptane.

Can DMHA improve memory?

Compounds such as DMHA have other effects that go far beyond increased alertness and wakefulness, including the development of better episodic memory (19, 20, 21). As the name suggests, episodic memory has to do with episodes or events from the past that will influence the way we respond to similar challenges in the future (22). As we learn more about which approach works and which doesn't through experience, we can apply the same logic to successfully overcome new challenges in the future, saving time and resources.

Those who begin to see this as a work/learning/programming aid are on the right track.

What about side effects?

Unfortunately, due to the lack of human studies, there is no scientific evidence as to exactly how this compound will behave in vivo. Considering its structural similarity to DMAA, it can probably be expected to have similar effects on heart rate and blood pressure. Fortunately, there is a study that looked at the effects of 75mg of DMAA, the effects of 250mg of caffeine, and the effects of a combination of these two ingredients on blood pressure and heart rate (24). When both ingredients were combined, which is the scenario seen with many pre-workout products, there was a 24-point increase in systolic blood pressure and a 12-point increase in systolic blood pressure, which can be problematic for people who suffer from elevated blood pressure and people whose workouts cause massive increases in blood pressure and heart rate (24).

People without heart and blood pressure problems are unlikely (but by no means guaranteed) to experience problems when using this compound. However, it is impossible to say with certainty until further research has been carried out.

Preliminary conclusions regarding a "safe" dose

The accumulated evidence and experience reports lead us to conclude that approximately 1 mg per pound of lean body mass (2.2 grams per kilogram of lean body mass) when taken orally should be relatively safe for healthy people, although this dosage should be agreed with the treating physician.

For a man weighing 85 kilograms with about 12% body fat, this corresponds to a maximum dose of about 160 mg. A conservative dose would therefore be in the range of 80 to 120 mg.

What about use by athletes who are tested for banned performance-enhancing substances?

Even though we could not find DMHA on WADA's 2016 list of banned substances, common sense tells us that athletes who are tested for banned performance-enhancing substances should not use this compound. We have no idea what false positive test results could come from considering the structural similarity to other banned substances. Quite apart from this, it can be assumed that DMHA will be banned sooner or later.

In addition to this, WADA has a clause for "similar substances" so technically DMHA is automatically banned due to its similarity to DMAA.


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