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Become a superhero in 6 weeks

Werde In 6 Wochen zum Superhelden

How I build muscle and lose fat FAST!

My fastest program for building muscle and losing body fat

When I'm hired to get an athlete, bodybuilder or actor into the best shape of their life - and have them lose nearly all of their body fat while building 15 to 20 pounds of functional "show muscle" - I have hundreds, maybe even thousands of programs I can use to help them achieve that goal.

But when there's the added challenge that all of this has to be done within a short period of time by an obvious deadline, and thus I only have a limited amount of time to give him that amazing look of pure strength, there's only one type of workout I can use: Star Complexes.

No, not those complex es. Not the complexes you've read so much about. I'm talking about real complexes. But not only that - I've taken the idea of complexes to a whole new level.

Soviet-style complexes for bodybuilding

If you're familiar with complexes, then you've been misled. Rather, you have not been told the whole story.

First, erase from your mind anything that you think is a complex. You know, standing in one place with the same bar, doing a series of exercises without rest and usually with a light weight. We used this type of method when I was an Olympic weightlifter. We called it warming up.

Real complexes originated in the Soviet Union. Later, Dr. Donald Chu wrote about this "secret" training method and used it to prepare athletes for three different Olympic Games.

Complexes are simply blocks of exercises. The Soviets used only two exercises in their complexes - a strength exercise and a power/explosive exercise. The idea was to train both extremes of the strength curve.

My former football coach, who later became my mentor, introduced me to this idea. He had us do squats and then jump squats straight after. Both exercises are the same movement pattern, they just train different capacities.

This was an amazingly effective training method and I experimented with it for years. Today, I use complexes with every athlete I train at one time or another. Complexes allow you to work on power/explosiveness, strength and speed while building some significant muscle mass in the process.

I have now perfected this method and the results from my clients are nothing short of shocking. My version of complexes is simply this: a shortcut to that coveted power look.

Thibaudeau Star Complexes

I've taken the concept of complexes and drilled it up. Instead of training just two points on the strength-speed curve, I train five points, which is why I call these complexes Star Complexes.

Each complex uses five exercises with the same movement pattern. The five exercises are performed one right after the other, starting with a heavy/slow movement as the first exercise. Each subsequent exercise will be lighter in resistance than the previous exercise, allowing progressively faster repetition speeds.

Don't worry if you don't understand everything yet. I will give you easy to understand examples a little later.

Explosive fat loss!

This progressive method generates a powerful metabolic effect that is optimal for fat loss, especially when combined with short rests. Although they should be short enough to keep the heart rate elevated, these pause intervals should not be so short that they reduce performance. Fat loss is further enhanced by the addition of a strength-endurance exercise at the end of the complex.

Most of my fat loss complexes consist of two heavy and three explosive exercises. The reason for this? Explosive movements have a greater effect on fat loss than slow movements. A complex that includes three explosive exercises will be effective for fat loss on its own. Add a strength-endurance exercise at the end and it will be even more effective.

And remember that the faster you can train without a decrease in performance, the better. Explosive work increases insulin sensitivity in muscle tissue more than any other type of exercise. If you emphasize eccentric action too much, then you actually reduce insulin sensitivity. In fact, intense eccentric work can reduce glycogen resynthesis for up to 36 hours!

So by performing mainly explosive exercises, you sensitize the muscle cells to insulin, resulting in less fat storage. This is followed by a powerful increase in the levels of catecholamines, which results in a further increase in energy expenditure and keeps the metabolic rate elevated for a few hours after the training session.

Last but not least, there is the enormous amount of calories burned by performing the big exercises. Your muscles are like an engine: the bigger they are, the more fuel they burn. Big basic exercises mean a large amount of calories burned.

Four types of movement patterns

I break down the body's actions into four basic exercise schemes:

  1. Deadlifts
  2. Squats
  3. Overhead press
  4. Bench press

Each complex targets one of these movement patterns and you will perform 2 complexes per day, paired as follows:


Complex A

Complex B


Overhead press




Bench press



Overhead press


Bench press


The following rules apply when performing the complexes:

  1. Perform the 5 exercises of Star Complex A as a circuit, pausing for 30 to 90 seconds between exercises.
  2. Depending on your goals and abilities, perform 4 to 6 rounds of the complex.
  3. Pause as long as necessary to prepare for Star Complex B.
  4. Perform the 5 exercises of Star Complex B as a circuit, pausing for 30 to 90 seconds between exercises.
  5. Depending on your goals and abilities, perform 4 to 6 rounds of the complex.

Maximize results through optimal training supplementation

Complexes can be used for different goals: Fat loss, strength and power gains, and building high performance muscle mass. No matter what you want to achieve, complexes can do it! However, I have designed this specific program as a program for maximum fat loss and gaining as much muscle mass as possible, so my supplement protocol will also reflect these goals.

It's important to understand that even if you are in a fat loss phase, it doesn't mean you can't also get stronger and build muscle. I've trained several bodybuilders who set personal bests the week before their competition - and this was after weeks of hardcore dieting! To maximize your results - especially when training at this level - you need the right supplements and nutrients before, during and after training.

Here are my recommendations for maximum results:

  • Drink a shake containing functional fast-digesting carbohydrates and readily available di- and tripeptides 15 to 20 minutes before your workout and halfway through your training session.
  • Drink a shake containing fast-digesting protein 30 minutes after training.
  • Eat a regular meal 60 to 90 minutes after your workout.

What kind of results can you expect?

I've seen dramatic results time and time again.

I've seen field hockey players lose 5% body fat in five weeks without changing their diet. I've seen fitness girls lose 20 pounds in six weeks while getting stronger. And I've seen football players completely reshape their body composition in 6 weeks while increasing the weight of some of their exercises by 20%!

Complexes performed in this way work. For every body type. For every goal. That's how effective they are. They are one of my best "secrets". And now you know this secret. Get to work!

The 6 weeks to superhero program

Deadlift Star Complex


Load types


Deadlift performed over the upper half of the range of motion


3 - 5

This first exercise is your heaviest and the upper half of the movement will allow you to use more weight than your regular deadlift. Start with the bar slightly above your knees. This exercise is good for building your trapezius and upper back.


Deadlift from the floor


3 - 5

One step up on the strength-speed curve is heavy deadlift, but not super max. The speed of the exercise should be higher than in the previous exercise.


Power deadlift and power clean, hanging or from blocks

Power speed

2 - 3

Now we come to the power-speed range of the curve. Concentrate on the explosive execution and not on the weight used. If you start from blocks, this is better for explosive power at the beginning (e.g. sprint start) and if you start from the hanging position, this is better for movements where you need to quickly switch from eccentric to concentric (e.g. running and jumping).


Jump Good-Mornings

Speed - Strength

8 - 10

This exercise is a speed-strength exercise, so the weight should be light enough that you can accelerate it. A weight in the region of 20% of your maximum weight for Good-Mornings would be adequate.


Long jump series


8 - 10

This is a reactive or plyometric exercise. Each repetition should be a high quality jump and very explosive. Start by performing each repetition individually. As you get better, you can perform the repetitions as a series with minimal transition between jumps.

Squat Star Complex


Load types


Squats performed over the top half of the range of motion


2 - 5

This exercise is an excellent neural activator and a very effective quadriceps exercise. The upper half of the squat movement is mainly performed by the quadriceps.


Front squats


3 - 5

In this complex, I prefer front squats to classic squats, as the posterior muscle chain and lower back have already been heavily challenged by the deadlift complex.


Power snatch from a hanging position or from blocks

Power speed

2 - 3

Performing this powerful exercise from blocks focuses on the explosive starting power required for a sprint start. In contrast, the hanging variation is more transferable to movements where you need to switch quickly from eccentric to concentric movement, as is the case in running.


Jumping squats with a barbell

Speed - strength

8 - 10

This exercise is performed with a minimal downward movement of a maximum of a quarter squat and no more. Keep the torso as upright as possible to focus on the explosiveness of the quadriceps. A load of 20% of your maximum weight for squats is adequate.


Vertical jump series


8 - 10

Go down briefly and quickly and then reverse the movement as fast as you can. The transition from walking down to jumping should be lightning fast.


Backward sprint with weight sled

Working capacity


Maintain a crouched position (knees bent to 90 degrees) and sprint backwards for 30 meters. This will be hell on the quadriceps and especially the vastus medialis.

Press overhead star complex


Load types


Overhead press performed seated over the upper half of the range of motion


2 - 5

Start directly over the weakest point of the movement so that you can use a lot of weight while still having sufficient range of motion to stimulate the pressing muscles.


Standing barbell shoulder press (military press)


3 - 5

I prefer the standing variation to the seated variation due to the greater involvement of the postural muscles. Make sure that you contract your buttocks hard throughout the entire pressing movement.


Push press (shoulder press with momentum from the legs)


2 - 3

Strive to create a sort of "shoulder rest" from which you can press by resting the bar on your shoulder muscles at the beginning of the movement. Use a slight swing from the legs to overcome the weak zone of the movement as you firmly push the weight up with your arms.


Medicine ball push press overhead throw

Speed - Strength

8 - 10

This is a very effective speed-strength exercise for the upper body. Concentrate on pushing with both arms equally as most will tend to only use one arm. The exercise is similar to a basketball pass, but overhead.


Plyometric push-ups with elevated feet


8 - 10

It is not necessary to move your chest all the way down. Just like jumping, we want a short and quick downward movement and a minimal transition time to the upward movement. Stop when you lose your momentum.

Bench Press Star Complex


Load types


Bench press performed over the upper half of the range of motion


3 - 5

This is a very effective activation exercise for the rest of the complex. It is also one of the most effective tricep exercises you can perform!


Bench press


3 - 5

Focus on keeping the trapezius pulled up when performing this movement (for added safety, stability and performance).


Speed bench press, as fast as possible with 60% of your maximum weight

Strength speed


Focus on two things here: 1) move the weight of 60% of your 1RM as fast as possible (with acceleration throughout the movement) and 2) make sure to reverse the movement quickly at the transition point between the lowering and lifting phases of the exercise.


Medicine ball chest throws

Speed - Strength

8 - 10

You can perform this exercise either standing up and throwing the ball forwards or lying on your back and throwing the ball vertically upwards. If you use the latter option, make sure you throw the ball straight up or have a partner to catch the ball!


Plyometric push-ups


5 - 10

It is not necessary to move your chest all the way down. Just like jumping, we want a short and quick downward movement and a minimal transition time to the upward movement. Stop when you lose your momentum.

Progression from week to week

Week 1

Load Types

Load Instructions


The maximum weight you can move without choking up the weight on any repetition.


The maximum weight you can accelerate on each repetition.


The maximum weight you can perform explosive repetitions with.


See individual notes in the exercise descriptions.


Only your own body weight

Work capacity

The maximum weight you can move quickly over 30 meters.

Week 2 - 3

Load types

Load Instructions


Use the same weight, add one additional repetition each week

Work capacity

Use the specified weights and repetitions

Week 4

Load types

Load Instructions


Reduce repetitions by 2 and add 5 to 10 kilos of weight

Work capacity

Use the specified weights and repetitions

Week 5 - 6

Load types

Load Instructions


Use the same weight, add one additional repetition each week

Work capacity

Use the specified weights and repetitions

By Christian Thibaudeau | 02/26/16


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