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High-intensity kettlebell training produces rapid results

Hochintensives Kettlebell Training produziert rapide Resultate

The physiological response to a high-intensity interval training program with kettlebells, developed by Brian Williams and Robert Kraemer of Southeastern Louisiana University, is designed to build endurance and strength. The program consists of a 12-minute kettlebell workout that uses the Tabata training regime - repetitions of 20-second kettlebell exercises followed by 10 seconds of rest. The kettlebell exercises used in this training cycle were sumo squats, kettlebell swings, one-arm deadlifts and presses, and sumo deadlifts. The responses to the kettlebell circuit were similar to the responses to interval training of the same duration performed on an ergometer. Calorie expenditure and heart rate were similar for both workouts.

This study has broadened our view of high-intensity training. A high-intensity kettlebell circuit can be a substitute for high-intensity interval training on an ergometer or elliptical trainer.

(Journal Strength and Conditioning Research, 29: 3317 - 3325, 2015)

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