Cinnamic acid improves blood sugar regulation
Some of the simplest foods are sometimes the healthiest. Cinnamon is a popular kitchen spice used to add flavor to oatmeal, desserts, coffee and hot chocolate. It also promotes insulin metabolism and improves blood sugar control. The active ingredient is cinnamic acid, which is also found in fruit, vegetables and flowers.
Thai scientists have discovered that the addition of cinnamic acid to pancreatic cells (the pancreas secretes insulin) can increase insulin secretion by up to 200 percent.
Swedish scientists found that adding 6 grams of cinnamon to rice pudding reduced blood sugar levels in humans and prolonged the time the pudding remained in the stomach without affecting hunger. Cinnamon contains antioxidants called phenols that reduce inflammation and improve blood vessel health.
Even small amounts of cinnamon were helpful. People who consumed 1 gram of cinnamon per day, which is about half a teaspoon, over a 40-day period showed reduced blood sugar levels, lower LDL cholesterol (the bad cholesterol), lower total cholesterol levels and lower triglyceride (blood fat) levels.
Including cinnamon in the diet could reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes. Bodybuilders may benefit from sprinkling a teaspoon of cinnamon over their oatmeal.
(Journal Agricultural Food Chemistry, 56: 7838-7844; American Journal Clinical Nutrition, 85: 1552-1556, 2007)