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Arginine promotes the immune response in older people

Arginin fördert die Immunreaktion bei älteren Menschen

Immune function declines with age, making it difficult for older people to fight infections. Infections and diseases that are trivial for young people can sometimes be fatal in older people. Two strategies to boost the immune system in the elderly include vaccination and supplements or dietary changes that improve immune response. Streptococcus pneumoniae (SP) infections are particularly deadly in older adults. A vaccine against this bacterium is currently available, but is often not used for fear of side effects and concerns about efficacy. Brazilian researchers found that patients given arginine supplements (15g per day for 14 days) showed a more powerful immune response to an SP vaccine than patients who received a placebo. Individual amino acids, such as arginine and glutamine are very promising as immune boosters. (Eur J Clin Nutr,59:1362-1366,2005)

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