L-carnitine can do more....
L- Carnitine is a naturally occurring chemical compound in the body that is synthesized from the
amino acids L- lysine & L- methionine. Many athletes supplement L- carnitine
as a fat burner, as it can increase fat metabolism. It binds to the long-chain
fatty acids and then transports them to the mitochondria (power plants in the cells),
which ultimately burn the fat molecule
But there are other benefits to using L-carnitine.
1) L-carnitine can help build new muscle mass!
This is especially true for hardgainers. By using carnitine, they can improve their maximum strength
and use heavier weights. And if they use heavier weights,
their muscles will undoubtedly get bigger too....
2) L-carnitine can help maintain bone mass as you age!
Osteoporosis (loss of bone mass) is a common problem in older people.
This means that bones are no longer stable and can break more quickly.
L-carnitine can slow down this process of bone mass loss as it strengthens the
bone structure.
3) L-carnitine can prevent heart disease!
Several studies have shown that the use of L-carnitine after a heart attack can reduce the
risk of another heart attack.
4) L-carnitine can combat male infertility!
Men who are unable to conceive can also benefit from carnitine. It increases the
number of sperm and their quality
5) L-carnitine can be helpful for type 2 diabetes!
People who suffer from type 2 diabetes can also benefit from carnitine, as it helps to
increase glucose oxidation, glucose uptake and glucose storage.
6) L-carnitine strengthens the immune system!
Carnitine acts as an antioxidant in the body and can therefore mitigate damage to healthy cells
caused by free radicals. This helps with colds and allergies.
7) L-carnitine improves cognitive performance in Alzheimer's disease!
Numerous clinical studies have confirmed that carnitine has a positive effect on
cognitive performance in Alzheimer's disease. Although there are no long-term studies yet,
long-term intake is likely to lead to an increase in long-term memory performance.
How much L-carnitine should I take per day?
The recommendations range between 2-4 g/day.
If you use acetyl carnitine, 0.5 - 1 g is sufficient.
For those who do not supplement carnitine, the following foods with a high carnitine content
are suitable:
- red meat
- dairy products
- nuts
- seeds
- asparagus
- broccoli
- mustard
- bananas