Creatine does not cause muscle cramps
A modern legend in the field of sport says that creatine monohydrate triggers muscle cramps and promotes dehydration. Without scientific evidence, the media, some trainers and athletes continue to spread this misinformation.
Scientists at the University of Oklahoma, led by Vincent Dalbo, have concluded that the exact opposite is true: creatine improves heat tolerance and helps maintain plasma volume during heat training. Blood plasma is the cell-free portion of blood that is essential for maintaining a stable body temperature and cardiac output (blood flow through the heart) during exercise. Even in dehydrated people, creatine improved exercise capacity and helped combat the negative effects of reduced body water. Let's put this modern legend to rest! Creatine supplements do not cause dehydration or muscle cramps. Instead, they improve the capacity for temperature regulation during exercise and improve some areas of athletic performance.
(British Journal Sports Medicine, in press, published online January 9, 2008)