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Carbohydrate supplements: applications for muscle growth, regeneration and performance

Kohlenhydrat Supplements: Anwendungen für Muskelwachstum, Regeneration und Leistungsfähigkeit

Carbohydrate supplements: applications for muscle growth, regeneration and performance


Carbohydrates are often overlooked when creating a nutrition plan. In this guide, you will learn what carbohydrate supplements are, how they can benefit your goals and how to use them for optimal results.

This guide will teach you the following:

  • What carbohydrates are and why you should focus on them as much as protein.
  • The two forms of carbohydrates: simple and complex - and which is best for building muscle.
  • The best time to eat carbohydrates.
  • How carbohydrates help build and maintain muscle.
  • How carbohydrates affect performance.
  • What popular carbohydrate supplements are available, including Waxy Maize and weight gainers.
  • The difference between dextrose, maltodextrin and waxy maize starch.
  • How many grams of carbohydrates you need depending on your weight, goals and body type.

Carbohydrates have somehow gotten a bad reputation. Low-carb and ketogenic diets and diets have gained a lot of popularity over the last few years. The popularity of these diets has caused many people to shy away from carbohydrates. While most bodybuilders consume tons of protein powder and essential fatty acids (EFAs), carbohydrates tend to be neglected. This is a big mistake.

When used properly, carbohydrates can increase muscle growth, prevent muscle loss and even boost metabolism. However, to learn how to best use carbohydrates to your advantage, you first need to know how carbohydrates are used by the body.

What are carbohydrates?

In biochemistry, carbohydrates are also known as saccharides. Saccharides are divided into four chemical groups: Monosaccharides, disaccharides, oligosaccharides and polysaccharides. In general, monosaccharides and disaccharides are classified as sugars. Sugars are usually referred to as simple carbohydrates, while oligosaccharides and polysaccharides are usually referred to as complex carbohydrates.

The terms simple and complex carbohydrates are the more common everyday terms, but you can use the other terms to impress your friends at the gym with your knowledge of carbohydrates.

The digestion rate of carbohydrates varies depending on the carbohydrate source. The unit of measurement for the digestion rate of carbohydrates is the so-called glycemic index. The higher the value of the glycemic index for a carbohydrate, the faster it is digested and the lower this value is, the slower it is digested.

But why on earth should we worry about how quickly a carbohydrate is digested? It has something to do with the hormone insulin. Insulin is an extremely powerful anabolic hormone that is released when you eat carbohydrates. If carbohydrates are digested quickly, this will lead to a strong release of insulin and a high concentration of this hormone in the blood.

If carbohydrates are digested slowly, then the insulin secretion will be lower and continuous, resulting in a lower concentration of this hormone in the blood. As we will see, this can be useful at training time when muscle breakdown is a serious threat to muscle gains.

Use in the body

Carbohydrates are the preferred source of energy for the metabolism. Although the body is able to obtain energy from proteins and fats, these energy sources do not allow it to function at an optimal level.

When carbohydrates are consumed, there are a few different ways in which they can end up. The first is that they are broken down into glucose and burned directly as an energy source. Glucose is the preferred source of energy for working muscles and the brain, which is why all carbohydrates must first be broken down into individual glucose molecules before they can be used.

If the body does not need additional glucose as an energy source at the moment, the carbohydrates consumed are converted into glycogen and stored. The body stores carbohydrates in the form of glycogen in the liver and muscle tissue for use at a later time. When the body needs energy, it can break down this stored glycogen and convert it into glucose as an energy source.

When all the glycogen stores in the liver and muscle tissue are full, the carbohydrates are converted into fat and stored as adipose tissue. Obviously, this is something that serious athletes want to avoid. For this reason, it is important to consume enough carbohydrates to provide sufficient energy for training and metabolism, but not to eat more carbohydrates than the body needs.

Increased performance

To understand the effects that carbohydrates have on performance, you first need to know how your body uses different forms of energy during a training set. To move a weight, your body needs energy. Adenosine triphosphate - ATP for short - is the only source of energy that can make our muscles contract. Unfortunately, your muscles only store enough ATP to support muscle contractions for a few seconds, so the used ATP needs to be replaced quickly.

If it is not replaced, no further muscle contractions will be possible, which means the set is over. Fortunately, your body can replenish ATP stores by breaking down creatine phosphate. This breakdown releases energy for a rapid rebuilding of ATP. Your muscles store enough creatine phosphate for about 8 to 12 seconds of maximum effort. When creatine phosphate stores run low, your body switches to glycolysis.

Glycolysis is a process in which your body uses stored glycogen (carbohydrates stored in your muscles) and blood sugar to replenish ATP reserves. Your body repeats this process with every single set you do in the gym. Carbohydrates therefore come into play during glycolysis. Between sets, your muscle cells use the glycolytic pathway to replace depleted ATP.

If glucose or glycogen becomes scarce, then your strength will suffer, your training set will come to an end sooner and intense training will become almost impossible. Consuming carbohydrates will increase glucose levels in the bloodstream for immediate use for energy. This will conserve glycogen stores and allow you to continue training at optimal intensity.

It doesn't matter if you are a bodybuilder, an athlete or just want to improve your body development - your results will depend on how well you perform your training sessions. This is the time when muscle growth is stimulated. Carbohydrates ensure that you can train hard from the beginning to the end of your training session. For increased performance, high-glycemic carbohydrates should be consumed directly before and during training.

Carbohydrates for building muscle and maintaining existing muscle mass

We now know that carbohydrates can improve performance during exercise. This will definitely lead to muscle growth in the long run, but carbohydrates can also increase muscle growth in a more direct way. This is primarily through the actions of the hormone insulin. As mentioned earlier, the consumption of carbohydrates causes a release of insulin.

Insulin increases the rate of protein synthesis (muscle growth), which is the main goal of any strength athlete. One way in which insulin causes muscle growth is by increasing the transport of amino acids from the bloodstream into the muscles. In addition to this, insulin binds to the muscle cell membrane, which triggers a series of reactions that lead to muscle growth.

Insulin also has an anti-catabolic effect, which means that it prevents muscle breakdown. From an anti-catabolic point of view, insulin keeps the catabolic hormone cortisol in check. One of the functions of cortisol is to break down protein (muscle tissue) and convert it into energy. When insulin levels are higher, cortisol levels are lower. This is the primary anti-catabolic power of insulin.

During exercise, the body is in a catabolic state because cortisol levels are high. Some of this muscle breakdown can be counteracted by consuming high-glycemic carbohydrates before and during exercise.

After training, the body will continue to be in a catabolic state until protein and carbohydrates are consumed. For this reason, high-glycemic carbohydrates should also be consumed after training. After training, the body is in a unique state. It is much more sensitive to nutrients and protein synthesis is increased beyond normal resting levels. This is another reason to mix carbohydrates into your post-workout protein shake.

Last but not least, consuming high-glycemic carbohydrates will replenish glycogen stores that were depleted during training. This leads to faster recovery and a better training session the following day.

Supplements vs. food

One of the biggest questions is whether you should take your carbohydrates in the form of food or supplements. The answer is...BOTH! Both supplements and food have their individual benefits that make them ideal in certain situations. Supplements have the advantage that they are digested faster than whole foods and therefore cause a greater insulin release. Whole foods tend to be slower to digest, which can help prevent cravings and also have many health benefits.

For this reason, it is best to consume high-glycemic carbohydrates in the form of supplements such as dextrose/glucose and maltodextrin immediately before, during and after exercise. During the rest of the day, carbohydrates in the form of whole foods such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains are best.

Dextrose, maltodextrin and waxy maize (waxy maize starch)

Dextrose and maltodextrin are the best sources of carbohydrates for use before, during and after training. How do you know which one is right for you? Both dextrose and maltodextrin are fast-digesting, high-glycemic carbohydrates that will cause a rapid insulin release.

Dextrose is basically nothing more than pure glucose and therefore requires no digestion. Dextrose is sugar in the purest sense of the word. It also has a sweet taste. Maltodextrin, on the other hand, is a polysaccharide, which means that even though it is digested almost as quickly as dextrose, it is not technically a sugar. It is also not sweet and is often almost tasteless.

Dextrose is generally the best choice before, during and after exercise. Maltodextrin also works well for those who don't tolerate sugar well or don't like the sweet taste of dextrose.

Waxy maize starch is another very popular carbohydrate supplement. Waxy corn starch is a high molecular weight starch that contains no sugar. Waxy maize starch is a unique complex carbohydrate that can be quickly digested by the body. Like maltodextrin, this supplement works well for those who are sensitive to sugar

While proteins support muscle building, waxy maize starch is designed to replenish glycogen stores. Waxy maize starch can be used before, during and after training.

Carbohydrate timing

When you eat and supplement carbohydrates can be important to your performance. Here are the best times during the day to consume carbohydrates.


After a full night of fasting, liver and muscle glycogen stores will be partially depleted. It is therefore important to eat carbohydrates in the morning to replenish glycogen stores. Fruit, oatmeal or wholegrain cereals are a good choice for breakfast.

2 to 3 hours before training

Eating carbohydrates before your workout will ensure that there are enough carbohydrates in your bloodstream when you exercise. This will energize your workout and lead to more productive and intense training sessions. Slowly digestible carbohydrates are the best choice. Ideal carbohydrate sources at this time include sweet potatoes, wholemeal bread and wholemeal pasta.

Immediately before, during and after training

These carbohydrates will not only provide energy for intense workouts, but will also replenish glycogen stores that are depleted during exercise. These carbohydrates will also serve to protect muscle tissue from breakdown by increasing insulin levels. In order to achieve the greatest possible insulin release, high-glycaemic carbohydrates should be consumed in supplement form. Dextrose and maltodextrin are the best choice here. Waxy maize starch is also a very popular choice.

1 to 2 hours after training

During this time, carbohydrates will serve to keep insulin levels elevated after exercise. The longer you keep your post-workout insulin levels elevated, the more muscle growth you will achieve. These carbohydrates will also further replenish your glycogen stores and promote faster post-workout recovery. Slowly digestible carbohydrates are the best choice here. Foods such as sweet potatoes, brown rice and vegetables are best.

Before going to bed

Although eating carbohydrates is often referred to as a no-go, this is actually a myth. Carbohydrates before going to bed are important for muscle growth. If you are preparing to go to bed for a full night of fasting, it is important to eat carbohydrates to ensure that muscle and liver glycogen stores are not depleted too much during the night. A slow-digesting carbohydrate source such as a piece of fruit will work well for this

How many carbohydrates per day?

Judging how many carbohydrates you should eat per day can be difficult. There are many factors that need to be considered. To know how many carbs you should eat per day, you first need to figure out how many calories you eat and how much protein and fat you need. Here are a few general guidelines to get you on the right track.

Daily calorie intake for fat loss

  • Ectomorph - body weight x 35-40 = daily calorie intake
  • Mesomorph - body weight x 31-37 = daily calorie intake
  • Endomorph - body weight x 26-33 = daily calorie intake

Daily calorie intake for muscle building

  • Ectomorph - body weight x 42-48 = daily calorie intake
  • Mesomorph - body weight x 37-44 = daily calorie intake
  • Endomorph - body weight x 33-40 = daily calorie intake

Daily protein intake

  • Ectomorph - body weight x 2.2 - 2.6 grams
  • Mesomorph - body weight x 2.4 - 2.8 grams
  • Endomorph - body weight x 2.4 - 3.0 grams

Daily fat intake - Ectomorph - depending on body weight

  • 45-68 kilos = 45-50 grams per day
  • 68-90 kilos = 50-55 grams per day
  • 90 kilos and over = 55-60 grams per day

Daily fat intake - mesomorph - depending on body weight

  • 45-68 kilos = 40-45 grams per day
  • 68-90 kilos = 45-50 grams per day
  • 90 kilos and over = 50-55 grams per day

Daily fat intake - endomorph - depending on body weight

  • 45-68 kilos = 50-55 grams per day
  • 68-90 kilos = 55-60 grams per day
  • 90 kilos and over = 60-65 grams per day

Now that you know how many calories you should eat per day and how much of this should come from protein and fat, you can calculate your daily carbohydrate intake. Any calories left over when you subtract the calories for fat and protein from your total calorie intake should be consumed in the form of carbohydrates.

Simply take the total amount of calories, subtract the amount of protein x 4 and the amount of fat x 9 from this and divide the result by 4:

(total calories - (protein in grams * 4) - (fat in grams * 4) ) / 4 = amount of carbohydrates in grams

The result is the amount of carbohydrates in grams that you should consume daily. Please keep in mind that these are only guidelines and that there are many other factors that can influence your carbohydrate intake. So start with these numbers and adjust them up or down as needed to reach your goals.

Don't forget the fiber!

Fiber is often left out of a typical bodybuilding diet. However, it is important not to neglect this very important nutrient. Fiber has a variety of health benefits that include reducing the risk of heart disease and diabetes, lowering cholesterol levels and regular bowel movements.

Although all of these benefits will not directly affect your muscle building and fat loss, they will improve your health. A body that is sick or unhealthy will not build muscle or function optimally. That being said, we all train to look good AND feel good. Fiber will keep your body functioning properly.

If you find it difficult to consume adequate amounts of fiber in your diet, you can turn to powdered fiber to increase your daily intake. In general, you should aim for 25 to 50 grams of fiber per day.


Although carbohydrates are not considered the most innovative supplement, they are one of the most effective supplements available on the market. Carbohydrates have been shown to increase muscle growth through multiple pathways and methods. This will allow you to maximize every single training session to your advantage and build every possible gram of muscle.

The next time you mix up your post-workout protein shake, make sure to add some carbohydrates as well. When it comes to bodybuilding, protein may be the star of the show, but always remember that every Batman needs his Robin

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