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Reducing carbohydrates increases the training adaptations to HIIT

Eine Reduzierung der Kohlenhydrate verstärkt die Trainingsadaptionen an HIIT

Carbohydrates are the primary source of energy during exercise at an intensity of more than 65% of maximum effort. We have known for over 50 years that people have better endurance when they follow a carbohydrate-rich diet.

Scientists from McMaster University in Canada have found that performance release increases more after low-carbohydrate diets than when exercising on a high-carbohydrate diet. The scientists introduced the concept of HI-LO carbohydrate training. The test subjects completed two interval training sessions per day for 2 weeks. Each training session was preceded by a high and then a low carbohydrate intake (HI-LO). Another group followed a high carbohydrate intake (HI, HI) before each training session. The high and low carbohydrate program resulted in a higher power release at the end of the study.

The scientists only used moderately trained college students, so it is not clear whether the results are transferable to serious or elite athletes.

(International Journal Sport Nutrition Exercise Metabolism, 25: 463 - 470, 2015)

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