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Capsinoids promote calorie burning at rest

Capsinoide fördern die Kalorienverbrennung im Ruhezustand

Capsinoids (e.g. capsiate and capsaicin) - the active ingredients in cayenne pepper - are promising thermogenic chemicals that could promote fat loss. They produce a burning sensation when they touch the skin and are used in heat wraps and pain-relieving ointments.
A study conducted under the direction of Stuart Phillips at Canada's McMaster University found that capsinoids (10 milligrams) increased metabolic rate, adrenaline levels and fat burning at rest when consumed 30 minutes before exercise, but had no further effects during exercise. These supplements were well tolerated and had few side effects.
Other studies found that capsinoids inhibited the growth of fat cells, promoted thermogenesis, reduced hunger, stimulated the breakdown of body fat and had a minor effect on fat loss.
Capsinoids could be a useful ingredient for fat loss supplements.
(Nutrition & Metabolism, 7: 65, 2010)

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