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Beta-alanine supplements increase the carnosine level in the muscles

Beta-Alanin Supplements erhöhen den Carnosinspiegel der Muskulatur

Carnosine is a dipeptide consisting of the amino acids alanine and histidine and is found in muscle and nerve cells. It helps regulate the energy management and contraction of muscle cells by acting as an acid buffer, regulating calcium (which triggers muscle contraction) in the muscles and coordinating both energy supply and muscle contraction. Muscle carnosine levels are particularly high in animals that perform great physical feats. Theoretically, an increase in muscle carnosine levels should increase physical performance. British researchers have found that supplementation with 3 or 6 grams of beta-alanine over a period of 15 days can increase muscle carnosine levels by 45 to 65%. Even though the researchers did not provide any information on a change in physical performance, it can be assumed that the increase in carnosine levels observed should increase performance. (Amino Acids, published on the Internet on March 24, 2006)

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