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Belly fat increases the risk of sudden cardiac death

Bauchfett erhöht das Risiko für einen plötzlichen Herztod

Sudden cardiac death is rare, especially among athletes. In people under 35, a condition called hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is the most common cause of death. In older adults, coronary artery disease is usually the culprit.

A study led by Selcul Adabag of the Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Minneapolis found that abdominal obesity increases the risk of sudden cardiac death by 100 percent compared to people who are lean around the abdomen. Abdominal obesity was identified by a high body mass index (weight proportional to height), waist circumference and waist-to-hip ratio. The results were corrected for the presence of heart disease, heart failure and enlargement of the heart.

The scientists speculated that fat storage in the abdominal area could increase body-wide inflammation levels.

To reduce this level, doctors and nutritionists recommend eating foods high in unsaturated fatty acids and vitamins and minerals.

(Heart, published online November 19, 2014)

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