Buffalo meat is a good source of protein for bodybuilders

Buffalo were once so numerous on the Great Plains that they looked like blades of grass in the wind. Scientists estimate that around 60 million buffalo lived on the Great Plains in 1800. Due to shameless slaughter of the animals as part of the fur trade by Native Americans and buffalo hunters such as "Wild Bill" Hickok, Buffalo Bill Cody, Wyatt Earp and Pat Garret, as well as hunting by railroad workers as a food source, buffalo were nearly extinct by 1880. A few buffalo survived in Yellowstone Park and on private land.
In the 1970s, CNN founder Ted Turner tried to revive the buffalo on his 1.9 million acres of ranchland. He was successful mainly because Americans had acquired a taste for buffalo steaks and burgers.
Health experts praise buffalo meat for its lower fat content compared to beef and its content of heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids!
Environmentalists are delighted because the animal is thriving again. There are now more than 500,000 buffalo again, with herds increasing in size due to the popularity of the meat. Ironically, the buffalo have come back because people want to eat them.
Buffalo meat is a good source of protein for bodybuilders because it is low in fat and high in protein. Buffalo meat tastes best medium rare.
(The New York Times, February 12, 2016)