Slowly digestible protein builds muscle best
Milk is an excellent source of source of proteinwhich is easily digested and quickly available to the body as a source of energy and for cell and tissue repair. Casein, whey and milk soluble protein are the main types of protein found in milk. French researchers have discovered that the different protein components of milk vary in their digestibility and availability in the body. The combination of casein and whey is digested slowly, so that protein is available for many hours after consumption. Milk-soluble proteins have a very short gastric retention time and release their amino acids to the cells so quickly that they cannot supply the tissue structure with amino acids for a longer period of time after consumption. The conclusion for bodybuilders is that protein supplements made from casein or whey are superior to products made from whole or low-fat milk. (American Journal Clinical Nutrition, 84:1070-1079, 2006)